Monday, December 22, 2008

White Christmas

I think it's safe to say it'll be a very white christmas. Just like one's I used to know...

We could get up to 22 inches by Christmas Eve! Now that's a good present. Check out the forecast. It's a little windy today. The kind of wind where you might expect to see a girl and her little black dog fly by.

Random picture of the day:

UPDATE: 1:30PM Lower Sweet Misery (to tower 10) and Second Thoughts now open! 3" more since this morning but heavy winds are not allowing it to build on the base stake.


Anonymous said...

Just a suggestion, but you might want to make your photos a little more web friendly by resizing both for screen resolution and size. Clicking on this photo takes you to a multi-megabyte image wider than my wide screen monitor. Images for the web should be no bigger than about 800 pixels wide and no bigger than about 150KB.

Snow looks great up there, looks like it was a good season to buy a season pass after all! :)

Unknown said...

Concur. I use a Mac and have to scroll the image to see it all...

Anonymous said...

I think they're fine. They fit my 20" monitor just right to use as my desktop and I checked the properties, it's 1600x1200 and only 414KB. Took about 3 sec to load.