Monday, April 16, 2007


During the 06-07 season, we launched the biggest recycling program Powderhorn has ever had. Our business is to promote fun outdoors and is dependent on the environment, so we are making more efforts to reduce our impact.

We now recycle office paper, aluminium, plastic, glass, newspaper, brochures & trail maps, cardboard, grease, oil, and even our old uniforms. Recycling used uniforms is a great program. We ship loads of coats and vests to the National Ski Areas Association where they are distributed to those that are in need of warm clothes throughout the world. We are in the process of adding new programs to continue to reduce our environmental impact.

This is an area where we all need to make a greater effort! Here are some practical things to try:

- Turn off electronic devices when you are not using them. Don't leave lights on around the house. Turn off & unplug devices when on vacation. This will help your bill as well!
-Avoid products with a lot of packaging. This can cut garbage by 10%.
- Adjust your thermostat up a couple degrees this summer. You could save 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year with this small adjustment!
- Change those lights! You've probably heard of the "curly" fluorescent light bulbs. They last much longer than regular bulbs and can be purchased in bulk at Sam's Club with great savings!
- Check your airconditioner filters this spring!
- Don't leave your car running. It's a myth that it takes more fuel to restart your car then leave it idle.

Want to find out what your Environmental Footprint is? Mine shocked me! Go to

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